Could Flat Rate Pallet Shipment Save You Time and Money?
In logistics and transportation, efficiency rules. There’s a lot of room for saving time and money in the supply chain, and flat rate pallet shipment might help you do just that.
What is Flat Rate Pallet Shipment?
Flat rate pallet shipment, also known as per pallet pricing, is shipping pricing system, typically used by LTL carriers, where a set price is established to ship a pallet based on typical parameters of the shipper’s pallets.
Benefits of Flat Rate Pallet Shipment
There are several potential benefits to shipping pallets for an agreed-upon flat rate. For one thing, it saves carriers and shippers alike time on the quoting process. Shippers don’t have to request a quote for every single pallet, and carriers don’t need to prepare one. Once prices are established, they need only be re-quoted during established review periods or big changes in the market. Carriers may allow for the flat rate price to reflect the efficiency of this pricing method.
Also, when shipping prices are standardized, it’s easier for other departments throughout an organization to use the information to make more educated decisions. Knowing your shipping prices ahead of time helps you plan better. For instance, your sales department may find that it’s more practical to sell 50 cases rather than 45 since 50 cases fit into the weight parameters set in the flat rate quote by their primary carrier.
When is Per Pallet Pricing Practical?
This method isn’t always ideal, either for shippers or carriers. It works most effectively under a certain set of circumstances. When you ship a lot of pallets that are very similar in weight and dimensions and those similar pallets travel the same lanes consistently, it’s worth asking your carrier or carriers about per pallet pricing.
Is Per Pallet Pricing Right for You?
If the vast majority of your freight fits into the parameters above, this model may save you a lot of time and trouble. BlueGrace may be able to help you find a carrier willing to offer flat rate pallet shipment. Contact us to see what it could do for your business!