Operation Safe Driver Week is sponsored by CVSA, in partnership with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. It also has the support from the motor carrier industry and transportation safety organizations. This year Operation Safe Driver Week will take place from July 11th through July 17th.
This week-long outreach program is designed to educate commercial vehicle drivers about driving carefully. Through interactions, law enforcement and periodic spot checks, CVSA officers hope to correct inappropriate driving behaviors. Data shows that traffic tickets and interrogational contact with law enforcement reduces dangerous driving mannerisms.
Making the North American roadways safer has always been a main priority of the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). Like their efforts last year, the law enforcement officers will interact with drivers through Operation Safe Driver Week 2021 to re-instill safe driving practices.
Over one hundred and fifty thousand crashes have occurred in North America in 2020 according to the safety progress report by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA). Approximately 50% of them result in injuries and over 3% result in fatalities.
Dangerous driving habits including speeding and unsafe driving, distracted driving, improper lane changes, following too closely, failure to use a seat belt and driving under influence of alcohol or drugs will be monitored. Other driver violations that would be scrutinized include mirror equipment violations, expired license plate tags and inoperative lamps.
The imperative focus will continue to be on speeding this year, as it remains the number one reason for a crash. In fact, speeding has been a factor in more than a quarter of crash deaths since 2008.