Transport Logistics

How to Get a 360° View of Transport Logistics Operations

Supply chain visibility is commonly noted as one of the factors necessary to achieve a more successful supply chain. Once an all-encompassing task, today’s technology has made getting a 360¬∞ view of transport logistics operations feasible for any company willing to take an introspective look at their supply chain.

Get Connected
There is no visibility without free-flowing, standardized connectivity. Key players need to be able to communicate in a way that everyone understands. Implementing standardized forms with EDI is just one way to make communication more efficient.

Find a Way to Deal with Data
There’s a lot of data generated that must be dealt with in transport logistics operations. How will you store it? How will you analyze it? Standardizing data collection and analyzation procedures can help form more accurate projections and get a clear view of what’s working and what’s not in your operations.

Assess and Mitigate Risk
Risk is unavoidable. In every single business on the face of the planet, there’s some modicum of risk across every part of the organization. Using the data collected, risk management associates from across the organization can work to predict where things could go wrong and take steps to minimize the impact.

Use What You’ve Learned to Make Better Decisions
You’re not collecting all that data and working to minimize risks for nothing. It’s critical that the data, clear communication, and risk analysis are used to make decisions that promote prosperity and efficiency in the future.

Get Help When You Need It
Supply chains are complicated things, and the software systems used to collect and analyze data and keep operations running smooth are, too. It’s important that you’ve got a team that can effectively implement and operate those systems. If building a team in-house isn’t feasible for your organization, there’s plenty of help to be found on the outside. Many 3PL providers have the technology and the know-how to help you gain visibility at scale.

Receive a Free Supply Chain Analysis today

Please fill out the form below and one of our experienced, logistics experts will be in contact with you to discuss your Managed Logistics options.

Independent research shows that improved supply chain management can yield:

  • 25 – 50% reduction in total supply chain costs
  • 25 – 60% reduction in inventory holding
  • 25 – 80% increase in forecast accuracy
  • 30 – 50% improvement in order-fulfillment cycle time
  • 20% increase in after-tax free cash flows
  • Supply Chain Mapping

  • Review Market Conditions

  • Determine Operational Inefficiencies

  • Outline Opportunities

  • Implement Changes

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