When Does Pallet Shipping Make Sense?

When Does Pallet Shipping Make Sense?

Are you pallet shipping your freight? Should you be? Here are some instances where utilizing shipping pallets and appropriate packing techniques could be beneficial.

You’re Making the Jump to LTL Freight

Pallets are pretty much a must for LTL shipping, so if you’re thinking of switching from FTL or parcel shipping and aren’t using pallets exclusively now, it’s may be time to get on board. Shipments must be easy to load and unload, and you’ve got to be able to keep your freight separated so that it makes it to its intended destination intact and on time.

You Need to Speed Up Loading

It’s a lot faster to load up a pallet into a trailer than it is to load up a pallet’s worth of boxes. If you need to improve load time (or unload time), pallet shipping may be a viable answer. A trailer full of stable pallets can often be loaded in just a few minutes. You’ll spend a little more time palletizing freight, but with the addition of other benefits of pallet shipping, it may just be worth it.

You’re Looking to Improve Customer Relationships

Freight that’s easy to unload, arrives intact, and can be easily moved around a warehouse so that it can be unpacked where it’s most convenient may be a great way to improve your relationships with customers. Better yet, you can work with your customers to learn about their processes so that you can load and pack pallets in a way that makes things easier on their end.

Your Freight is Unloaded by Appointment

If you ship a lot of freight that’s unloaded by appointment, pallets can really help speed up the process, saving drivers, warehouses, and retailers time and money. If you have multiple deliveries on a single trailer, the time saved in unloading can help the next delivery get to its destination faster. You may find that your easy-to-unload freight gets quicker attention despite a set appointment time, as well.

Your Freight is Easily Damaged

If your freight is relatively fragile or you’re incurring more than your fair share of costs from damaged freight, well-packed pallets might be the answer. Freight may incur less damage during loading, shipment, unloading, and while it sits idle if it’s packed carefully on a pallet. Palleted freight tends to be easier to strap down in a trailer, as well

There are several potential benefits to pallet shipping, and your business may wish to use this shipping method for any number of reasons. If you’re considering shaking up your supply chain, contact Blue Grace for an insight into improving efficiency.

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